Jemma Katz

Assistant Therapist

Jemma photo

Jemma is a 25-year-old graduate with a double degree in education and psychology at Monash University. This year Jemma is entering into honors in psychology also at Monash! Jemma plans to complete her masters in psychology following her honours in order to eventually register as a clinical psychologist.

Over the last 5 years Jemma has had diverse experience working with kids in both volunteer and employed roles. Most notably,  2 years of experience as a Behaviour Therapist in which she worked with clients from the ages of 3-12. At Blossom, Jemma utilizes this previous experience to work with clients on their social skills including communication styles and other interpersonal skills with the guidance of registered Psychologists at blossom.

Additionally, she works on their executive functioning skills such as organisation and planning as well as motor functioning. Finally, as an assistant therapist, Jemma provides behaviour management support and where applicable, in school support for the client.

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