Formal Behavioural assessment

Behavioural assessments examine whether a child exhibit challenging behaviours that fall outside the age-appropriate range. Behavioural concerns may include hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, difficulty sustaining attention and disruptions to learning and peer relations. Behavioural assessments are beneficial for identifying oppositional defiance disorder, conduct disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Behavioural assessments are very useful for developing tailor made, individualised treatment plans, designed to assist parents and teachers to manage challenging behaviours at home and school, and to develop targeted treatment goals for the child. Behavioural assessments are also useful to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, areas of improvement or treatment resistance and severity or absence of specific symptoms. 

Behavioural assessments can also be administered in conjunction with Cognitive assessments to determine if challenging behaviours can be explained by the presence of an intellectual disability, learning disorder or giftedness.

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