Cindy Kree
Social Worker

Cindy is a registered Social Worker with the Australian Association of Social workers (AASW). With
12 years’ experience in both governmental and non-governmental fields working with people of diverse age, gender and cultural backgrounds, Cindy is able to use her skills and knowledge in working with children and families in order to support, empower and enable them to make a change in life. Having worked with youth at risk, children in conflict with the law, young offenders in correctional settings, disadvantaged communities and children in academic settings, Cindy has formed a strong understanding and warm approach in working with children and their families and support system. She uses an individual approach for therapeutic intervention, based on a collaborative decision between the client and their support system. Some of the frameworks Cindy uses includes Strengths Based System, Ecosystemic approach, Cognitive Behavioural therapy, and Collaborative Proactive Solutions.
Cindy’s strengths are in working with children and their families in setting up holistic support for the child, regarding positive Behaviour support, restorative practices, and family group conferencing. Cindy uses a strength based, eco-systemic approach with clients, providing support in areas such as anxiety, trauma, neurodiversity support, Behaviour challenges and parent support and training. This is offered both at individual level and group setting, therefore being able to provide family group conferencing, social skills, and other forms of parent support.
Contact Cindy